Oh hai!

Hi everyone,

Apparently, I have been hiding under a rock somewhere. During those weeks that I haven't been able to blog here, I did not even have a nascent thought of putting this blog down for good. I was simply too busy.

Even since before Lunar New Year, I was busting myself up with work. I thought, "Hey, after LNY, I would have some time to blog again." But noooo! Since the new semester started, my research has been running in full gears. I have 2 students to mentor on their senior theses, which involve actual wet-lab research. Most days I am on my feet instructing and directing them. It's hard work but the rewards have been tremendous. To see them finally understand a concept, to see those sparks in their eyes brings some satisfactions in me.

I have so many nice things to write about and I really want to tell you all about them. For instance, there is this brush sent that I had pinned for almost 2 years. And these amazing skincare products. And these awesome gifts my dear friends from the States and Canada sent me. And this, and this, and that. So many things!

I hope April puts things in order so I can continue with my research, writing and blogging as well. There are a few things I have wanted to do. Let's just hope that I can do maybe 1 or 2 of them this year :)

And oh, by the way, you guys never cease to amaze me. I received a bunch of comments and emails that I will slowly reply. Please bear with me!

With love,
Dao xoxo

P.S: Please show your support by following my blog and subscribing to my feed. Thanks a lot!


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