The Neck-Face Discontinuation Conundrum

Hi everyone,

Since forever, my face has always been tanner than my neck and chest area. If you flip through My Makeup Blog's FOTD section, you can clearly see that. For example, here's a picture to show how my face was darker than my neck:

Yup, face was about 2 shades darker than neck!
Sun exposure plus bronzer around the jawline to contour leads to that discontinuation between the face and the neck. In makeup, there should not be that distinction between the two areas. If the problem was reverse (neck darker than face), the solution is pretty simple: some foundations on the face to even things out. But the face darker than neck problem is harder to solve.

I read literature on this problem and a lot of makeup artists have advised to apply a darker liquid foundation on the neck and chest area. I have seen this on the works of a lot of MAC makeup artists and the results were not pretty. Liquid foundations melt. They also transfer. Just imagine dark liquid foundation transferring to the upper bodice of a white wedding gown. Yuck!

Another method is to get a spray tan to match the color of the chest and neck area to the face. However, not all people can get access to spray tan salons. Some people don't even like tanning per se.

The most viable solution came to me when I watched "America's Next Top Model." I noticed a model had the same problem as I do and the makeup artist for that shoot applied liquid bronzer to her neck and chest using upward strokes. Genius!

I basically glued my eyes to the screen to see the makeup artist using a foaming kind of liquid bronzer without any shimmers. It looked really natural on the model's skin and totally matched her pretty tanned face. This makes sense to me because liquid bronzers usually do not melt away like foundations do. On top of that, they are light and the staying power is good. Now, don't get confused between liquid bronzers and self-tanners. The later clings on to your skin for weeks and some of them have those weird yellowish tints.

So there you have it, the solution to the neck-face discontinuation conundrum. A little bit of liquid bronzer saves the day :)

With love,
Dao xoxo

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